UIAlertView and UIActionSheet are deprecated in iOS8. Now to show alert , we use UIAlertViewController which gives a more functionality to show alert. With this single class, we can create alert and add multiple actions to it. Each action has a completion handler called when user tap on that action button .
A UIAlertController objects displays an alert message to the user. This class replaces the UIAlertView and UIActionSheet classes for displaying alerts. Although UIAlertController is a subclass of the UIViewController but it does not support subclassing further .
UIAlertController is initialized with a title, message, and whether it prefers to be displayed as an alert or action sheet. Alert views are presented modally in the center of their presenting view controllers, where as action sheets are anchored to the bottom. Alerts can have both buttons and text fields, while action sheet only support buttons.
Creating an Alert Controller :
UIAlertController *alert = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:@"My Alert"
message:@"This is an alert."
When configuring an alert with the UIAlertControllerStyleAlert style , we can also add text fields to the alert interface. The alert controller provide a block for configuring text fields prior to display. The alert controller maintains a reference to each text field so that we can access its value later.
We can associate actions with alert controller to give the user a way to respond. Actions are displayed as buttons in the alert . The action object provides the button text and the action to be performed when that button is tapped.
Creating an Action:
UIAlertAction *okAction = [UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:@"OK"
style: UIAlertActionStyleDefault
handler: ^(UIAlertAction * action) {
[alert addAction: okAction];
[self presentViewController:alert animated: YES completion: nil];
Add TextFields:
-(void)addTextFieldWithConfigurationHandler:(void (^)
(UITextField * textField) ) configurationHandler
Calling this method adds an editable text field to the alert. We can call this method more than once to add additional text fields. The text fields are stacked in the resulting alert.We can add a text field only if the preferredStyle property is set to UIAlertControllerStyleAlert.
A UIAlertController objects displays an alert message to the user. This class replaces the UIAlertView and UIActionSheet classes for displaying alerts. Although UIAlertController is a subclass of the UIViewController but it does not support subclassing further .
UIAlertController is initialized with a title, message, and whether it prefers to be displayed as an alert or action sheet. Alert views are presented modally in the center of their presenting view controllers, where as action sheets are anchored to the bottom. Alerts can have both buttons and text fields, while action sheet only support buttons.
Creating an Alert Controller :
UIAlertController *alert = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:@"My Alert"
message:@"This is an alert."
title |
The title of the alert. Use this string to get the user’s attention and communicate the reason for the alert.
message |
Descriptive text that provides additional details about the reason for the alert.
preferredStyle |
The style to use when presenting the alert controller. Use this parameter to configure the alert controller as an action sheet or as a modal alert.
When configuring an alert with the UIAlertControllerStyleAlert style , we can also add text fields to the alert interface. The alert controller provide a block for configuring text fields prior to display. The alert controller maintains a reference to each text field so that we can access its value later.
We can associate actions with alert controller to give the user a way to respond. Actions are displayed as buttons in the alert . The action object provides the button text and the action to be performed when that button is tapped.
Creating an Action:
UIAlertAction *okAction = [UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:@"OK"
style: UIAlertActionStyleDefault
handler: ^(UIAlertAction * action) {
[alert addAction: okAction];
[self presentViewController:alert animated: YES completion: nil];
Add TextFields:
-(void)addTextFieldWithConfigurationHandler:(void (^)
(UITextField * textField) ) configurationHandler
Calling this method adds an editable text field to the alert. We can call this method more than once to add additional text fields. The text fields are stacked in the resulting alert.We can add a text field only if the preferredStyle property is set to UIAlertControllerStyleAlert.
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